The Same Love

his name is Agam Maulana Arifin, he has such a cute smile, he has swag style. he's nice to everyone he meets. he likes to do anything, everything he can do. he plays well, he talks well.

but he also have....Cerebral Palsy.

I met him on family gathering held by Percik Insani. where we can play and greet kids and teens with disabilities, they are pretty awesome.
so now, lets talk about Agam.

he's 10 years old by this year, he had 2 siblings, with a normal body.
he always smile, I don't know either he doesn't realize what is happening to him or he accepts what happens to him, I don't know, but I'm sure, really sure and really want that he will accept himself the way he is.
we started the day with relaxation, Agam is the only child that can't walk, so he needed special treatment. lucky, I have my partner with me, introducing to you, Edel, an FSRD student, I thought she was ignorance and careless, well she couldn't be that bad to Agam hahaha lol ._.v

edel and I held Agam wherever we go, held him, held the pain in his heart too. when we played water, it was pretty hard because I needed to hold him tight so that he could play with the others, he looked so happy, which makes my heart happy too, I smile too, for him. then we play match the ball with words, but Agam didn't look like interested with that, so we just sit and talk.

after that we made a Pigura together at special place because Agam didn't want to make it at the place where we supposed to make it. its okay, as long as he still want to make it, I was okay with everything. and then we came to the final part, the end of the day, where we had fun and all, I saw another kids, running and playing with other volunteers, btu Agam, He couldn't do it at all, he couldn't even stand by his own feet. I didn't know how it feels, but I really want to make him feel that he was not alone, Edel and I will always be with him through the day.

there was one moment when my heart torn apart, there was one time when the rain came and we sat on a place, garage. and there was live music when Agam started singing "syukuri apa yang ada, hidup adalah anugrah, tetap jalani hidup ini melakukan yang terbaik, Tuhan pasti kan menunjukkan kebesaran dan kuasa-Nya, bagi hambaNya yang sabar dan tak kenal putus asa" yeah I don't know but my heart was torn apart when he sang that part.

Agam, you have given me so many things, maybe you don't realize it.
keep smile Agam!

sarang, your volunteer.


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