Because I Have No Other Place To Rant

you are completely an idiot.
asshole that has mouth but has no idea how to use it properly.
egocentric that has mind but has no idea how to think.
it amuses how you pour all thought on posts, saying that you hate things.....that you actually do.

I was looking forward for someone that I thought could be an example of what "man" is.
but you have ruined the image I've been building all along.
can't even reach the first step.

no wonder I look you in disgust now.
seeing your face makes me sick.
you are so disturbing, oh God why.

bijak? ada yang larang.
kesel? boleh..itu perasaan alami.
posting tentang sarkasme dan semacamnya. itu talenta.
but dude, its not funny at all.

I don't even know what I care tbh, you are just annoying to death.


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